solar energy

Installing solar panels is an excellent way to reduce carbon emissions – Solar panels are also eligible for the Renewable Heat Incentive, allowing you to earn money from the government for using renewable energy sources rather than fossil fuels.

How does it work?

The panels are placed at a 45 degree angle and installed onto or set into the roof of the property. Sunlight passes through the glazing of the panels to the absorber plate which heats up, converting solar energy into thermal energy. This heat is then transferred to a mixture of anti-freeze and water, allowing it to pass down to your hot water cylinder via a pumping station. The fluid moves through a coil in the cylinder, transferring the thermal energy to the water in the cylinder – where it can be stored until you use it.

Why choose us?

One of our expert engineers will consult with you on the best way of achieving your cost and carbon emission goals, establishing your primary uses of energy on a day to day basis and the scope of your property. This is a free of charge service with no obligation to purchase. We are also able to give you detailed breakdowns of costings, meaning total transparency on price.