Office heating

Which of these is more cost-effective and environmentally friendly:

  • 50 small boilers across an office building housing 50 different smaller companies
  • One large boiler for everyone?

This is the crux of why district energy solutions are so useful in the current business sector. With so many smaller – and larger – businesses now sharing office buildings, centralised systems are the obvious choice for reducing costs and emissions. Rather than using 50 individual localised boilers, each with separate bills, separate servicing needs and 50 chances of breaking down, we install one centralised system. A network of well-insulated pipes carries heat, hot water and power to multiple buildings/occupancies.

Why Choose Us?

At Bartlett and Morrison, we offer a bespoke service to Office Buildings across Central and South London. One of our highly qualified engineers and technicians will make an appointment with you at your convenience, to inspect your premises and discuss what you are looking for. Integrity and transparency are at the core of our business model, so we’ll do this at no cost to you and give you the opportunity to look over our plans before committing to any work.

Furthermore, we use our experience and our expertise to write you a detailed specification, fully itemised and priced including:

  • Materials
  • Equipment
  • Equipment
  • All labour costs

Giving you the peace of mind of knowing exactly how your money is spent.